Friday, November 14, 2008

Elladharu iru...

Parukka, the person who helps us to clean our house and its premises, quoting Kuvempu says, "Elladharu Iru, Enthadharu Iru, Enthenthigu Kannadavagiru..." means where ever you are, what ever you do, always be a kannadiga. we are called to absorb the good things that we encounter with. good is truth, good is real..

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

to will one thing...

we need a dream to cherish, we need somebody to love us, we need the Other.
Yes it is infront of the 'other' that we feel our existence. if there is no 'you' then there can in no way an 'I'. that is it. so we should care for the other. we shuold also realize that the other has the freedom to reject you, yes it is the vulnerable nature of any relationship that matter...
let us try to will one thing... let us start to live for the other, without loosing our individuality.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Jesus the philosopher...!!

Who is a philosopher? A person who holds on to a principle and even s/he is ready to die for that principle. Therefore Jesus is the greatest philosopher that the world has ever seen.

Monday, November 10, 2008

philosophical musings...!!

"Where of one cannot speak, there of one must keep silence", says the British Philosopher Ludwig Witgenstein. Another philosopher Gabriel Marcel says, "The other is a Mystery". Dear friends so we are not in a possition to speak about others or to judge them. Let "Know Thyself" be our business...

Monday, November 3, 2008

Things fall apart...

"things fall apart, the centre cannot hold", says the poet.
our cook Mr. Kunjumon(means little son, eventhough he is 65) left yesterday, and a new cook Mr. Shaji came. On this fine Sunday mornig he too left, this necessarily implies we are in the kitchen... our experiments and inventions are on and on...

Saturday, November 1, 2008

hi friends...

my new blog
