Friday, December 30, 2011

freedom and responsibility...!!

indeed the bird is free,

what is freedom...?

'i want to be free'

says everybody.

absolute freedom is a myth.

freedom always presupposes a certain amount of responsibility.

here the bird is free. but it has to go in search of food,

the bird has to find ways and means for security,

the birt goes in search of a friend...

all these we call the responsibility of free bird.

there is no absolute freedom.

i 'm a student and i want to be free,

well and good

i 'm a teacher and i want to be free,

well and good

i 'm a doctor and i want to be free,

well and good

i 'm a housewife and i want to be free,

well and good

i 'm a person and i want to be free,

ofcourse all of us are free

but it is a qualified freedom

otherwise it won't work